糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks美味好吃的做法大全,糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks做法图解

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糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图

Delicious Chinese Food No.1: The sweet and sour pork chorks


排骨pork chorks 400克(400g)
冰糖rock sugar 30克(30g)
醋vinegar 25克(25g)
酱油soy sauce 适量 appropriate amount

糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法  

  1. 准备400克的排骨
    400g pork chorks for preparation,which can be found both online and in the normal market

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 排骨简单地焯水一下,然后捞出
    put the pork chorks in the boiled water for half minute

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 用冷水把排骨洗洗干净
    wash the pork chorks with water

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 准备30克冰糖
    prepare rock sugar for 30g

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 准备25克醋
    prepare vinegar for 25g

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 热锅,倒入冰糖、醋(15克)和排骨翻炒
    put the pork chorks,the rock sugar and the vingar(15g)  into the heated pan,and stir-fry for a while

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 倒入少许酱油增味提色
    pour some soy sauce to make it taste better and look better

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第8张
  8. 当糖融化的时候,倒入水盖过肉
    when the rock sugar is melted,pour water over the meat

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第9张
  9. 关盖大火煮开,转中火慢炖40分钟
    put the lid on the pan,first boil it in flares and then simmer it gently for about 40mins to make the meat tender

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第10张
  10. 当汁水不多的时候,开盖大火
    After 40mins,fire for source without lip on

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第11张
  11. 收汁很重要,倒入剩下的醋(10克),翻炒起锅
    important to fry in the final step when the vinegar should be also poured into,and fry it for have beautiful sauce

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第12张
  12. 完成

    糖醋排骨的美味秘方The secret of sweet and sour pork chorks的做法步骤图 第13张