马卡龙研习🍋Macaron Lab美味好吃的做法大全,马卡龙研习🍋Macaron Lab做法图解

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马卡龙研习🍋Macaron Lab的做法步骤图


蛋清(室温) 3个
醋或柠檬汁 适量
1/2 tsp
塔粉 1/8 tsp
杏仁粉 96g (1 cup)
糖粉 219g (1.75 cup)
细砂糖 53g (1/4 cup)
色素(gel) 选用
香精 选用

马卡龙研习🍋Macaron Lab的做法  

  1. 提前两小时准备蛋清。搅拌盆用醋或柠檬擦拭内壁,再用厨房纸巾擦干。确保无水无油。分离出蛋清进搅拌盆里,敞口放置两小时使水分流失。

  2. 烤盘上垫好马卡龙硅胶垫,上面铺一层烘焙纸。准备好裱花袋、圆形裱花嘴、牙签。(硅胶裱花袋反套在一个杯子上,裱花嘴触杯底后歪过来口朝上放,防止倒面糊时顺着流出。)

  3. 杏仁粉、糖粉、1/2tsp盐用搅拌机打细,过筛备用。

  4. 用手持搅拌机低速搅拌加入塔塔粉的蛋清至软尖角,开始逐渐加入细砂糖,期间也加入香精或色素胶。改用高速搅拌至直挺尖角。

  5. 分三次加入干性材料,轻轻翻拌。不时检查状态,翻拌至拎起刮刀面糊可以像绸缎一样不断地慢慢流下,但也不能太稀,大约40-50次左右。

  6. 将面糊装入裱花袋。在烘焙纸上对着圆形图案挤面糊。挤的时候要比圆形小,要注意提前收手:一是面糊会自己摊开一点,二是烘烤过程中它也会涨大。

  7. 全部挤好后在桌上tap几下,震出气泡。用牙签戳破。放置半小时以上至表面成膜。期间可以找准时机预热烤箱。

  8. 300F烤17分钟。取出放凉再移动。

  9. 冷藏至四天,冷冻至六个月。

  10. Flavoring & Color Ideas:
    🍋Lemon Curd/Rum Lemon 柠檬黄
    🍒Raspberry Jam/Raspberry Cheesecake 粉紫
    🍵Pistachio 绿
    🍘Black Sesame w/ Soya White Ganache 灰
    🍊Rum Chocolate+Orange 橙黄
    🍉Red Velvet+Cream Cheese 红
    🥥Coconut 象牙白
    🍫Ultra Bitter Chocolate 黑棕
    🌰Chocolate Hazelnut 暖棕
    ☕️Mocha 米色/浅棕
    🍓PB&J 深粉红
    🍯Honey Pecan Butter 金黄+橙marble
    🥯Tofu Lox 三文鱼粉+白marble
    🍞Pate+Fig Jam 橘粉色/肉粉色
    🎃Pumpkin Spice+Cream Cheese 橙红
    🥓Prosciutto+Cream Cheese 绿粉marble


Tips for success:

1) Make sure you use fresh egg whites
2) Use room temperature egg whites (put your eggs in a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes)
3) Sift your ingredients
4) Wipe the inside of your bowl and attachments well to make sure they are grease free
5) Don’t over-whip your egg whites, make sure they are at the firm peak stage but still glossy and moist

Trouble Shooting Macaron Problems:

1) Over-mixing your batter will produce very flat macarons that will be hollow in the center and wont have any feet
2) Oily blotches on the surface of your macaron is from over-mixing and causing the oil from the almond flour to release into the batter. Try folding more gently.
3) Cracked macarons are from not letting them sit at room temp for long enough so they haven’t had time to develop a shell.
4) Macarons aren’t round when you don’t hold your piping tip directly in the center of the template or your parchment isn’t flat.
