木糠布甸 Serradura Pudding美味好吃的做法大全,木糠布甸 Serradura Pudding做法图解

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木糠布甸 Serradura Pudding的做法步骤图


其實這個甜點是很膩的 (看材料就知道了,奶油煉奶什麽的)。
不要誤會,我非常愛這道甜點,但是你知道的...容易發胖啦! (◞‸◟)所以不要一次過弄太多,抵制著全部吃完的衝動,建議做多了就送人吧,所謂獨食難肥嘛 ╮(´_ゝ`)╭  
像我那樣弄了六杯,家裡的人又不太愛吃甜的,結果我自己KO了三杯,然後兩個月都不想碰木糠布甸了 (。ŏ_ŏ)

下面的材料是 5-6人分量


瑪莉餅 Marie Biscult 70 g
淡奶油 Whipping Cream 200 ml
煉奶 Condensed Milk 35-40 g
雲尼拿油 Vanilla Extract 1/2 tsp

木糠布甸 Serradura Pudding的做法  

  1. 將瑪莉餅壓碎,餅乾屑最好過篩,越碎越蓬鬆,口感越細膩。
    Crush the Marie biscults into crumbs. Using a spoon, pass the crumbs through the sieve. The finer the crumbs are, the more delicate and fluffy the texture will be.

  2. 用打蛋器打發淡奶油,打至出紋理清楚,約6-7成。然後加入煉奶 & 數滴雲尼拿油。
    Whisk the whipping cream until about 60-70%
    Then add in condensed milk & a few drops of vanilla extract.

  3. 繼續打至8-9成,提起時呈尖峰,可寫字的狀態 (有點像軟冰淇淋),打發過度會不夠軟滑。把打發好的淡奶油裝入裱花袋
    Whisk the whipping cream until about 80-90% and you can see trails on the surface when you lift up the whisk.
    Put the mixture into a piping bag.

  4. 用勺子鋪一層餅乾屑至容器,然後用裱花袋把奶油擠到餅乾屑上,沿著邊緣一圈一圈的擠至中心,一層奶油一層餅乾屑的鋪,每層用匙羹輕輕在木糠表面壓向下,每層薄一點會沒那麼膩。
    Using a spoon, place a layer of biscult crumbs in a container. Use the piping bag to pipe a swirl of cream onto the crumbs, starting from the edge of the container. Continue layering. After placing each layer of crumbs,  gently press down the surface with a spoon

  5. 直至杯子裝滿,用一隻手拿著勺子放在奶油上,另一隻手不停轉動杯子,就可以把表面的奶油弄平。
    Repeat layers until the container is full, finishing off with a layer of whipped cream. With one hand holding a spoon on the cream, use the other hand to keep turning the container, so that the surface can be perfectly flattened.

  6. 可以立刻吃,或冷藏2小時以上,奶油冷藏后變硬一點會更好吃喔 ~
    You can serve immediately. Or you can also store the puddings in the fridge for 2 hours or above and serve when the whipped cream gets harder.


- 淡奶油要夠凍的時候才打起,就是要用的時候才從冰箱裡取出馬上打發
- 可以用奧利奧 Oreo 餅乾代替瑪莉餅
- 用裱化袋擠奶油會比用勺子均勻,不過要擠快點, 免得淡奶油因為手的溫度而溶掉

- whipping cream should only be taken out from the the fridge right before whisking, as it becomes firm easily when it's chilled
- Marie biscults can be replaced by Oreo biscults
- piping bag creates more even layers of cream, compare to using a spoon. however the cream may be easily melted by the high temperature of your hands, so it needs to be piped quickly.
