紫薯玫瑰馒头purple flower bun美味好吃的做法大全,紫薯玫瑰馒头purple flower bun做法图解

厨艺录 人气:1.09W
紫薯玫瑰馒头purple flower bun的做法步骤图



Mashed ube 100g
紫薯 100克
Flour 300g
面粉 300克
milk 150g
牛奶 150克
yeast 4g
酵母 4克
salt 2g
sugar 15g

紫薯玫瑰馒头purple flower bun的做法  

  1. Mix everything into a dough. Let it rise to double the size, about 1 hour.

  2. Flatten the dough into sheets and cut into small round shape.

  3. Make the flower bun and let it sit in the steamer for 30min.

  4. Steam for 15 min and turn off the fire let the bun sit in the steamer for another 5 min before open the lid.
